Cape Town Photographer Jacques Bartie

The National Research Foundation (NRF) conference event & gala dinner – cape town photographer

Having just completed a publication on the pioneers of Biotechnology for SAASTA a division of the NRF it was a great honour to be invited to cover their event at the UWC at their Life Sciences Building.  We kicked off with a Gala dinner and the main event the next day at the UWC. The Honourable Minister Naledi Pandor was guest of honour and produced an insightfull keynote address. Prior to the speech she had viewed each of the displays presented […]

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Time to Blog :)

Well as a Cape Town Photographer Ive been pretty quiet on the blog for over a month now as since January Ive been editing weddings, couples shoots family shoots, corporate portraits and in Feb I took on a rather large product photography  shoot for Earthchild and Earthaddict Clothing which involved 2 days of  studio shooting and some 70 hours of post production , doing deep etch work and placing the photographs onto website templates. The product is their autumn range […]

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Natasha & Mikes Wedding @ Zonnevanger – cape town photographer

Natasha and Mike were married in December at Zonnevanger (originally Edenheim) a venue I always enjoy photographing at. It really has such a peaceful  vibe to it. Ive known the Jefta’s for many years, and its always such a pleasure to spend the day with people you know. Natasha looked beautiful and absolutely radiant 🙂 Mike and Natasha were really awesome to work with and I thought we captured a really natural selection of images.   Once again thanks to […]

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Lesley & Matt’s wedding photographs @ Tintswalo Atlantic

Being a Cape Town wedding photographer means we have access to some of the most beautiful scenery in the world, and Tintswalo Atlantic delivers scenery in buckets full. Lesley and Matt’s wish for the wedding was to share the day with family and friends in a location that would be relaxing and beautifull . Besides the beauty of the venue nestled at the base of Chapmans Peak Drive it is also one on the best run venues Ive attended with […]

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Corporate Portraits – Headshots – Lifestyle

I recently met up with Sandro the CFO of Lindt Chocolates a well known international company . His brief was to capture a set of different style photographs to suite various needs from online profiles , email , websites etc., so we set about capturing images from formal to more informal.    

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Bronwyn & Shane’s Wedding @ Steenberg Estate

Bronwyn and Shane’s wedding was held at Steenberg Estate. Being a wedding photographer we often have the privilege of photographing more than one wedding in families. Having photographed Bronwyn’s brothers wedding earlier in the year I was really excited about photographing this wedding. Such an awesome young couple and family and its always such a pleasure to meet up with familiar faces again. Bronwyn and Shane really make a stunning couple. After leaving the church in Claremont we met down […]

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Smuts Hall Formal 2014 – Suikerbossie – Events Photography

The UCT Smuts Hall Formal dinner for 2014 was held at the awesome Suikerbossie venue, with procession photography starting at Smuts Hall itself.   [Show as slideshow] 1 2 … 5 ►

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ATAF Conference and 3rd GA Tanzania

What a lovely  testimonial received after this event from Karin Smit (ATAF) “Before we begin with the financial reconciliation and wrapping up of the 3rd ATAF General Assembly, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for being part of the team that made this event momentous. You gelled seamlessly into the highly productive, pro–active and adaptive organism that we called the ATAF Secretariat team. A team that evolved into even higher beings of perfection with each new and […]

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UCT Fuller Hall Formal Dinner Event 2014 – KWV Emporium

Please click on the thumbnails below to view images.   [Show as slideshow] 1 2 … 5 ►

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Tanzania Photographic Trip – Conference

Im off to Tanzania from the 14th of September and arrive back the 20th to cover the general assembly of one of my organisations I work for in Gauteng.  Besides covering the conference and various happenings I will also be photographing portraits of key dignitaries from various African states.  Anybody who is trying to reach me in that week can email me and I shall respond soonest. 🙂 Very gratefull for such a great opportunity and always awesome to be […]

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